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A Data Migration driver to load/create DynamoDB entries.



The DynamoDB driver accepts the following parameters as part of its configuration:

Name Type Required Description
region string Yes The AWS Region where this table exists
TableName string Yes The name of the DynamoDB table to connect to
profile string No Name of the AWS profile to use
accessKeyId string No AWS Credentials, if not provided data-migration will use the default AWS configuration
secretAccessKey string No

Sample Configuration

module.exports = {
  defaultStage: "prod",
  migrationDirectory: "migrations",
  stages: {
    prod: {
      users: {
        driver: require("dm-driver-dynamodb"),
        params: {
          region: "us-east-1",
          TableName: {
            // Use this processor to get values from CloudFormation
            processor: require("dm-processor-cf"),
            params: {
              stack: "some-stack-name",
              output: "SomeOutputName",
              region: "us-east-1",